The order came after Sebi found that Sethi continued with his unregistered activity, completely ignoring the directions issued by the regulator in 2007 and his own undertakings.
"I find there is no other alternative but to take recourse through an ad interim ex-parte order against Sethi (who is a repeat offender) for preventing him from collecting funds and indulging in unauthorised investment advisory and research analyst activities without obtaining registration from Sebi," Sebi Whole-Time Member S Raman said in an order dated May 26.
He has been directed to "immediately withdraw and remove all advertisements, representations, literatures, brochures, materials, publications, documents, website etc. In relation to his investment advisory and research analyst activity or any unregistered activity in the securities market."
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said these directions would take effect immediately and would be in force until further orders.
The regulator, through an order passed in 2007, had restrained Sethi and his firm Stock Market Navigator from giving any investment advice to clients, including any recommendations containing company specific news.