However, Sebi has allowed the entity to continue with primary market activities that have been undertaken before today's order.
It was alleged that the entity played an active role in aiding and abetting key operators in cornering of shares in IPO's (Initial Public Offer) of various firms.
In an order, Sebi directed "KSBL not to undertake new primary market assignment including acting as syndicate member or providing syndication services (procuring IPO applications and bidding in IPOs), directly or indirectly, in IPOs for a period of one year."
SAT's order came after it was found that the regulator did not permit the brokerage to cross-examine Bharat Overseas Bank's Ahmedabad Branch Manager Devi Dutt in the case.
Also Read
In its investigations into IPO scam, Sebi found that many individuals and entities had opened various demat accounts in fictitious/benami names and made large number of applications in the IPOs in the category of retail investors (each of the applications being of small value as to make it eligible for allotment under the retail category).
The probe had prima facie observed that the Karvy Group -- comprising KSBL, Karvy Consultants Limited, Karvy Computershare Private Limited, Karvy Securities Ltd and Karvy Investor Services Limited -- had allegedly assisted, aided and abetted the key operators in cornering the shares issued in the IPOs.