Sebi said, "Unique was offering portfolio management services to its clients without obtaining registration from Sebi as portfolio manager and are therefore prohibited for four years from capital market".
Market regulator has directed the company, its directors and promoters to return the fund collected from the investors, along with the promised returns within a period of three months from the date of the order.
The company had raised Rs 1.84 crore from 67 investors through its two schemes, one, offered monthly 5 per cent return and second, offered 100 per cent return on investment after 18 years.
In a nine-page order, Sebi said Unique Vision Financial Advisory, its directors and promoters -- Chandrakant Shamrao Dhole and Ravindra Shankar Kaurav -- have been prohibited from making any dealings in the securities market, directly or indirectly, for a period of four years.
The director and promoters of the company, Chandrakant Shamrao Dhole and Ravindra Shankar Kaurav, have not denied the allegation and therefore, it was concluded that both were aware of the activities, the order said.