Also, Sebi in a separate order has barred another group firm Suvidha Land Developers India Ltd from garnering money from public through the issue of securities.
Suvidha Farming & Allied is alleged to have raised Rs 600 crore from thousands of investors on a promise of high returns under its a scheme for purchase and development of agricultural land.
In his 21-page order, Sebi Whole Time Member S Raman said "fund mobilization by SFAL with a promise of returns prima facie...Falls within the ambit of 'Collective Investment Schemes' (CIS)," and was being run without requisite approval from the regulator.
They can also not launch "any new scheme/plan or float any new companies/firm to raise fresh moneys".
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They also have "to immediately submit the full inventory of the assets including land obtained through money raised".
Besides, the company and its directors have been barred from disposing of or alienate any of the properties or assets owned or acquired through the money raised.
Further, they cannot divert any funds raised from public at large which are kept in bank account of the company.
Moreover, the company has been asked to file its reply related to the case within 21 days.
According to Sebi, Suvidha Farming & Allied Ltd has mobilised an amount of approximately Rs 28.22 crore from 2.7 lakh investors during the financial years 2010-11 to 2013-14.
In a separate order, Sebi barred Suvidha Land Developers India from raising money from investors through the offer of Redeemable Preference Shares (RPS)or through any other securities in any manner either directly or indirectly, till further directions.
The regulator said the company issued RPS to 50 or more persons, it was under a legal obligation to get listed on a stock exchange. Among others, it was also mandatory for the company to bring out a prospectus with respect to the public issue. However, it failed to comply with the norms.
Sebi said that Suvidha Land Developers India issued and allotted RPS in series of allotments and raised about Rs 2.16 crore from 1,137 investors during 2013-14.