The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has prima facie found that money pooling activity by the company was in the nature of "collective investment scheme (CIS)" and was being run without requisite approval from the regulator.
The company has mobilised Rs 81.6 crore from several investors through "sale/purchase, development and maintenance of agricultural land".
Accordingly, the regulator has asked the company and its directors "not to collect any fresh money from investors under its existing schemes" as well as "not to launch any new schemes or plans or float any new companies to raise fresh money."
Besides, the company and its directors have been barred from disposing of or alienate any of the properties or assets owned or acquired through the money raised.
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The regulator has also asked the company and its directors to file their reply in the matter within 21 days from the date of receipt of the interim order.
These directions shall take effect "immediately and shall be in force till further orders.