The order follows a search and seizure operation by Sebi at the office of Maharashtra-based Shri Balaji Investments. This could be one of the first instances where the market regulator has exercised its newly granted powers to carry out search and seizure activities.
Based on preliminary probe, the market regulator has prima facie found that the entity, its proprietor one Manaklal Panpaliya and one Sanjay Rathi had indulged in illegal trading and settlement activities.
Besides, the entities had also traded in derivative contracts in violations of securities market norms.
"I, prima facie, find that by trading in the equity and derivative contracts outside the trading platform of the stock exchanges or the trading terminals allotted to it and settling such trades Balaji investments has carried out illegal trading activities for which its proprietor Manaklal Panpaliya and dealer Sanjay Rathi are responsible," Sebi whole time member Rajeev Kumar Agarwal said in the order today.
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Accordingly pending police probe, Sebi has barred "Shri Balaji Investments, its Proprietor Manaklal Panpaliya and Sanjay Rathi from buying, selling or dealing in the securities market in any manner whatsoever or accessing the securities market, directly or indirectly until further orders".
"It was brought to the notice of SEBI on May 30, 2014 that the office of Shri Balaji Investments, an Authorized Person of the stock broker Angel Broking Private Ltd. Was raided by the Police for its alleged illegal trading activities," the Sebi order said.
The police had forwarded copies of these documents to Sebi and sought its help in analysing the its contents. Following this Sebi had asked NSE, BSE and Angel to examine the matter and submit reports which they did accordingly.