The latest order comes after Sun-Plant Agro failed to comply with market regulator Sebi's order dated May 3, 2011 that directed the company to wind up its existing collective scheme and refund the collected money along with returns to the investors within three months.
In its today's order, the Sebi said it restraining and debarring Sun-Plant Agro, its MD Awdesh Kumar Singh and two directors Girija Shankar Kumar and Sant Kumar "from accessing the securities market and further prohibit them from buying, selling or dealing in securities market, directly or indirectly, in any manner whatsoever for a period of five years."
The Sebi further stated that in the event the company fails to wind up its existing collective scheme and refund the money collected by it, the regulator will initiate attachment and recovery proceedings against these entities.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) found that Sun-Plant Agro was running a 'collective investment scheme' without securing necessary approvals and registration.
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It is also noted that despite sufficient time granted after the hearing in the matter on November 13, 2013 as undertaken by them, the noticees have failed to substantiate their claim of repayment the investors along with proof or evidence of the repayment, it added.
As per the regulator, these entities have been granted enough opportunities to wind up their business, repay all the investors and file the necessary proof/evidence with the Sebi. They have so far failed to comply with the directions.