The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has cautioned investors against unlisted companies, issuing securities without complying with the market norms, and against firms running unregistered Collective Investment Schemes (CIS).
Updating the list, Sebi has so far made public of 100 entities indulging in CIS, and another 235 firms issuing securities without complying with the market norms, the capital market watchdog asked investors not to invest in their illegal fund mobilisation activities.
In a statement, Sebi has cautioned investors not to invest in schemes offered by entities barred by it from raising money or entities not registered with the regulator.
Since January 2011, it has passed orders against 100 companies and their respective directors carrying on unregistered CIS.
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Among the companies banned by Sebi from raising funds are Garima Homes & Farm Houses, Anmol India Agro Herbal Farming and Dairies Care Co, SPNJ Land Projects and Developers India, Garima Real Estate and Allied, Swar Agrotech India and Swar Agroteak and Housing India.
In an another statement, Sebi has cautioned investors against unlisted companies issuing securities without complying with 'Public Offer' norms.
Before investing in securities, the regulator advised investors to see whether offering companies have filed offer document or application with stock exchanges for listing.
According to the norms, any offer of securities made to 50 or more persons has to be construed as a 'Public Offer'.
Some unlisted companies are luring retail investors by issuing securities, including non-convertible and convertible debentures, non-convertible and convertible preference shares, equity shares in the garb of private placement without complying with requisite provisions of the law.