The advisory follows several such 'trading leagues' coming to light, including one by a film star and her husband, wherein the general public is asked to guess returns for some particular stocks and get prizes for right bets, among others.
The regulator also warned investors to keep away from fraudulent research analysts and investment advisors peddling stock tips and other investment-related advice through SMSes, social media and other public platforms.
Participation in such schemes including sharing of confidential and personal trading data is at investors' own risk, cost and consequences as such schemes are neither approved nor endorsed by Sebi.
Sebi has cautioned investors about such schemes offered by third party or group company/associate of stock broker, among others.
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The similar advice has already been issued by leading stock exchanges BSE and NSE.
The regulator said certain electronic platforms are facilitating fund raising on digital platforms like websites and other Internet platforms, which are similar to the platforms of stock exchanges.
These digital platforms are neither authorised nor recognised under any law governing the securities market. The platforms are allegedly facilitating investment in the form of private placement with companies.
"Investors are cautioned that all dealings on such unauthorised electronic platforms would be in contravention of the relevant securities laws," Sebi added.
Regarding unauthorised trading tips, Sebi advised investors to check the registration status of the entity before availing of the investment advisory services or research services.
Disclaimer: No Business Standard Journalist was involved in creation of this content