Besides, Sebi has also decided to refer the case to state government and local police to register a civil or criminal case against the company, its promoters, directors and other top officials "for offences of fraud, cheating, criminal breach of trust and misappropriation of public funds".
The matter would also be referred to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to initiate the process of winding up of the company, Sebi said in an order on Alchemist Infra Realty Ltd.
Rejecting the company's request for an extension of 24 months for making refunds to investors, Sebi said Alchemist Infra Realty and its promoters/directors have not repaid its investors within the time allowed.
After finding the company to have raised funds from public to the tune of over Rs 1,000 crore in violation of the collective investment scheme regulations, Sebi had passed its refund order against Alchemist on June 21, 2013.
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Sebi had first asked the company to make the refund within three months, but SAT later gave it time of 18 months. Besides, the company was asked to submit a report to Sebi every six months giving details regarding the progress made while executing the scheme of repayment.
Sebi said that the company, on February 21, September 12 last year and on March 17, 2015, submitted copies of bank certificates giving details of the amount repaid at about Rs 1,126 crore.
Later in December 9, 2014, Sebi asked the company to submit by December 16, 2014, the registration number and address of the investors to whom repayments were made.
The company has failed to provide such details till date despite issuance of a reminder on March 20, Sebi said.