The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) had received complaints from the applicant (Aurn Goenka) who alleged violation of various norms with respect to the open offer made by Nirma Industries Ltd and Nirma Chemical Works Ltd to the shareholders of Shree Rama Multi-Tech.
It was alleged that acquirers (Nirma firms) had disgorged the profits earned by them on account of the sale of shares of Shree Rama Multi-Tech.
The applicant alleged that the acquirers have not been truthful in their submissions made before authorities.
Regarding an allegation that Nirma group firms have borrowed funds for their investments and that they were acting as unregistered non-banking finance companies (NBFCs), Sebi said the applicant should approach the concerned regulator.
However, Sebi did not name the concerned regulator but it could be Reserve Bank of India (RBI).