The show cause notice by Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) had alleged H B Securities had executed a cross deal while trading for its connected client and also carried out structured trades in the scrip of VXL on behalf this client. The broker had also allegedly failed to undertake KYC (Know Your Client) formalities of clients.
In an order today, Sebi said noted that in order to prove the allegation of fraudulent or unfair trade practices "higher degree of preponderance of probability is required".
"I, therefore, give the noticee the benefit of doubt with regard to the charge against it pursuant to its impugned transactions," he added.
Further Agarwal said: "As regards the allegation of not fulfilling KYC formalities properly, I find merit in the submissions of the noticee".
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The order observed that the actions initiated against the connected clients of H B Securities with regard to the impugned trades have been discharged through the regulator's order dated September 24, 2010.
Sebi had conducted an investigation into trading in the shares of VXL for the period from May 1999 to September 2000.
The probe found that entities belonging to two groups -- H B Group and CFL Group -- were among the major clients of various trading members and that their trading activity in the scrip of VXL contributed to 30 per cent of the net volume in the scrip.