According to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), the entities -- Finaventure Capital Limited, Kannan Vishwanath and Dr Ashleys Labs Limited -- together purchased 8,02,055 shares, or 5.77 per cent of the Datsons Labs in 2012-13.
While Finaventure Capital and Kannan Vishwanath are the promoters of the Datsons Labs, Dr Ashleys Labs had a common director with Datsons.
By failing to make an open offer regarding this aquisition as they were all connected to each other, they allegedly violated certain norms under the Sebi (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations.
Further he said, admittedly, none of the noticees have, individually, breached the 5 per cent threshold limit by virtue of their individual gross acquisitions during the financial year 2012-13.
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"The show cause notice is silent as to whether gross purchase by these two promoters (Finaventure Capital Limited, Kannan Vishwanath) increased total promoters' shareholding (who together held more than 25 per cent shares/voting rights in the target company) beyond 5 per cent permissible creeping limit," the order said.
Under the Takeover norms, when entities who hold 25 per cent or more shareholding in a company acquire additional 5 per cent or more in that particular firm, in a financial year then they are required to make an open offer.