While the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) imposed a penalty of Rs 1.5 lakh each on Avinash Information Technologies, Mardia Copper Products, Reliable Finstock Services, it levied a fine of Rs 2 lakh on Genuine Pharmaceuticals, and Rs 3 lakh each on Sarika Paints and Shukun Construction.
It was alleged that being listed on bourses, the firms had failed to obtain Sebi Complaints Redressal System (SCORES) authentication within permitted time and had failed to redress investors' grievances.
In an order, the regulator said that while Genuine Pharmaceuticals has complied with requirements of the SCORES authentication after much delay in June 2017, the other five firms have consistently failed and neglected to comply with the Sebi directions in this regard and the default continues till date.
The regulator also said that Genuine Pharmaceuticals, Sarika Paints and Shukun Constructions have repeatedly defaulted in redressing investors' grievances.
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It was alleged that the firm had failed to redress two investor complaints and also failed to furnish information to Sebi by not filing Action Taken Report (ATR) under SCORES within the specified time.
The complaints, filed by Coolraj Sakhlecha and Neeta A Lalcheta, against Packtech Industries in SCORES related to non-receipt of shares.
While the complaint filed by Sakhlecha was forwarded by Sebi to the firm in March 2014, the one filed by Lalcheta was delivered to the company in November 2014.