A Sebi probe found that both the entities had pledged their entire shareholding in Splash Media and Infra Ltd (SMIL) to Suvidha Securities (SSPL) and the pledge was invoked by SSPL.
Consequently, there was a change in the shareholding of the two entities but they did not make disclosures for the same.
Arun Dagaria and Chirag Shah were holding 6.55 per cent and 6.03 per cent stake in SMIL respectively.
According to Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) norms, any person who holds more than 5 per cent shares or voting rights in any listed company shall disclose to the company the number of shares or voting rights held.
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The probe found that Sharma had acquired 9.81 per cent stake in 2012 in the company for which he failed to make timely disclosures.
The notice (Sharma) has violated the provisions related to PIT (Prohibition of Insider Trading) norm and SAST (Substantial Acquisition of shares) Regulations, Sebi said.