The Sebi probe found that Rikhav Securities was one of the largest brokers/sub-syndicate members with respect to bidding in both Non-institutional Investors (NII) and Retail Individual Investor (RII) categories, and contributed to about 82 per cent of the issue size.
As per investigations, Rikhav Securities had artificially inflated the bid book and created a misleading appearance of apparently healthy subscription of the 2011 issue. The modus operandi was adopted in order to generate retail investors' interest in the scrip of Vaswani Industries Ltd (VIL).
Accordingly, Sebi has restrained "Rikhav Securities from acting as a syndicate/sub-syndicate member for a period of 4 years".
"The period of prohibition already undergone by Rikhav Securities in terms of Sebi interim order dated July 11, 2011, shall be set-off from the period of debarment as directed," it added.
It is further alleged that the entire bids placed on behalf of the group companies were subsequently withdrawn.
Rikhav Securities had placed large bids on behalf of its clients and then withdrew most of them.