The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said the stock broker indulged in synchronised and circular trades with other brokers and clients in the shares of Betala Global Securities which led to creation of artificial volumes and misleading appearance of trading in the company's stock price.
The regulator, in an order dated May 16, has imposed a penalty of Rs 15 lakh for not complying with PFUTP (Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices) Regulations and another Rs 6 lakh for violating brokers norm.
According to Sebi, a group of clients connected to each other i.E., Mahesh Mistry traded in the shares of the BGSL through various trading members and mostly through Action Financial Services (India) Ltd and Jitendra Harjivandas Securities.
"...Noticee (Action Financial Services (India) Ltd) aided and abetted the entities belonging to the Mahesh Mistry Grroup in employing manipulative and deceptive devices of trading such as circular and synchronised by providing a platform, of such trades which led to manipulation of price and creation of artificial demand for the scrip of the company as also a false appearance of trading in the scrip of the company," Sebi said.