The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) in its order has imposed "a penalty of Rs 5 lakh on Gurmeet Singh Dhingra...The penalty is commensurate with the default committed by the noticee (Dhingra)."
According to regulator, Dhingra, who was holding 8,29,900 shares of Trinity League India (formerly known as Dr Wellmans Homeopathic Laboratory Ltd) constituting 16.37 per cent stake in the company, picked up 2.49 lakh scrips on September 28, 2009.
Following the acquisition, his stake increased to 21.30 per cent which required him to make the disclosures.
These disclosures were required to be made under Sebi (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations.
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Dhingra in his submissions to Sebi has not made any mention of making the these disclosures and has only stated that the company -Dr Wellmans Homeopathic Laboratory Ltd- has settled the delayed compliance with respect to disclosure requirement as prescribed PIT regulations under the consent scheme of Sebi.
Currently, Dhingra is not holding any shares of TLIL as on date and has sold all his holdings in the company.