The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) conducted an inspection on whether the company complied with the Sebi circular dated December 2009 and May 2011 with respect to quarterly/monthly settlement of funds and securities of its clients.
Sebi, in December 2009, issued a framework where a client, specifically authorises the stockbroker to maintain a running account, the actual settlement of funds and securities would be done by the broker, at least once in a quarter or month, depending on the preference of the client.
"The noticee (Investmentor Securities) has failed to adhere to the provisions of... The code of conduct specified under... Stock Brokers Regulations," Sebi's Adjudicating officer Suresh Gupta said.
Accordingly, the watchdog has imposed a penalty of Rs 6 lakh on the Investmentor Securities for violating code of conduct specified under stockbrokers regulations.