The circular will be implemented by April 1, 2016, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said.
All recognised associations under the Forward Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1952 are deemed to be stock exchanges under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, with effect from September 28, 2015, the day when merger of commodity markets regulator FMC with Sebi became effective.
Issuing detailed guidelines today, Sebi said regional commodity derivate exchanges will continue with their practice of keeping exposure free member deposits at the current level.
Sebi said that bourses have the right to impose additional risk containment measures over and above the risk containment system mandated by it.
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"All applicable margins shall be collected by exchanges before start of trading on the next trading day. If the member's collateral is insufficient to cover the required margin and deposit requirements, member shall not be allowed by exchanges to further increase his open positions," Sebi said.
"For member level margin computation, margins shall be grossed across various clients. The proprietary positions of the member should also be treated as that of a client for margin computation," the regulator noted.
Mark to market settlement on all open positions of clients/members will be done on a daily basis in cash. The daily settlement price will be reckoned and disseminated by the exchange at the end of every trading day.
The exchanges will collect collateral from their members only in the form of cash, pledging of bank fixed deposits and bank guarantee.