The move is part of Sebi's efforts that a good percentage of minority shareholders participate in the delisting process.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said promoters either have to meet the condition that at least 25 per cent minority shareholders tender their shares or need to reach out to 100 per cent of minority shareholders.
In case the acquirer or the merchant banker sends the letter of offer to all shareholders and provide a detailed account regarding the status of delivery of offer letter, the same would be considered as a deemed compliance with the provision the Delisting Regulations, Sebi said.
Recently, Sebi Chairman U K Sinha said that during delisting in the past, people had got away with just 2-3 shareholders participating in it.
Earlier, in March, Sebi notified new regulations that reduce the time taken for completing the process and provide relaxations on a case-to-case basis.