A G Shares and Securities had more than Rs 17.89 lakh outstanding turnover fees due to Sebi, as a member of the UP Stock Exchange.
While the entity did not pay the fee, the market regulator found that it was a registered member of the National Stock Exchange (NSE).
"I hereby order to remit an amount of Rs 17,97,278 which includes the interest acrued for the month of June 2014 and Rs 1,000 towards administration charges from the deposits of the defaulter, by means of demand draft drawn in favour of Securities and Exchange Board of India, payable at Mumbai within a week from the date of the notice," Sebi's Recovery Officer A S Mithwani said in an order dated June 16.
On May 22, A G Shares and Securities was directed by Sebi to pay the dues, within 15 days of the receipt of the regulator's notice. Yesterday's order came after the entity to make the required payment.