In two separate orders on December 24, 2014, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) had imposed penalties of Rs 10 lakh and Rs 7 lakh on the firm and its promoter, respectively, for violating capital market norms including PIT (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations.
In case of Santowin Corporation, the pending dues totalling Rs 13,55,411 include the initial fine of Rs 10 lakh, a 12 per cent per annum interest from the date of the regulator's 2014 order till December 6, 2017 amounting to Rs 3,54,411 and a recovery cost of Rs 1,000.
Sebi has directed the banks to attach all accounts including lockers held by both the entities, according to two separate orders dated December 6.
Also, the watchdog has directed National Securities Depository and Central Depository Services (India) and all the mutual funds to attach their demat accounts and folios.
Sebi has been given powers to attach properties and bank accounts, among other things, of entities which have failed to comply with the regulator's directions involving payment of penalties and other dues.