In June, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) had slapped a penalty of Rs 1 crore on Jhunjhunwala for indulging in fraudulent trading in the shares of Gemini Communication.
The pending dues -- totalling Rs 1,02,50,863 -- include the initial fine of Rs 1 crore and 12 per cent per annum interest from the date of the regulator's June order till August 31, amounting to Rs 2,49,863 along with a recovery cost of Rs 1,000.
Also, the regulator has directed the depositories -- NSDL and CDSL -- and mutual funds in India to attach all demat accounts and mutual fund folios of the individual.
Sebi has been given powers to attach properties and bank accounts, among other things, of entities which have failed to comply with the regulator's directions involving payment of penalties and other dues.