According to five separate orders, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has recovered dues of Rs 12.55 lakh and Rs 12.82 lakh from Tarun V Shah; Rs 12.82 lakh from Viral C Shah; Rs 8.04 lakh from Ashwin D Doshi and Rs 54,419 from Prakash Todankar.
Last month it had ordered the attachment of bank and demat accounts as well as mutual fund folios of the individuals to recover the dues.
The banks, depositories -- NSDL (National Securities Depository Ltd) and CDSL (Central Depository Services Ltd) -- and mutual funds are directed to release the bank and demat accounts, lockers and mutual fund folios of the individuals, Sebi said in the orders.
Doshi has also given a security of 1,000 shares of Godrej Properties against the balance payment due, Sebi said.