The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), in an order in June 2013, had directed the firm to refund the money illegally raised from investors within three months. Later, the timeframe was extended to 18 months by the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT).
With the deadline expiring in January 2015, Alchemist approached Sebi again seeking a further extension of 24 months for complying with the regulator's directive.
In an order passed today, Sebi has rejected the company's plea, saying it is almost three years since the final order was passed by it and despite such a long period, Alchemist had not made complete refunds to its investors.
Accordingly, "Sebi shall take necessary steps to initiate attachment and recovery proceedings against the company/directors for the purposes of making refunds to investors and shall also initiate further proceedings".
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The company claimed that it had repaid Rs 1,077 crore as on March 2013 out of Rs 1,916 crore garnered from investors.
As per the order of SAT, the firm could approach Sebi only in the case of any "eventuality arising in future" for seeking further extension of time to implement the regulator's order.
"Timing the market or waiting for price correction of real estate cannot be termed as an eventuality. The company was well aware of the timeframe to make refunds in terms of the order passed by SAT. Further, the interest of investors cannot be prejudiced by allowing the company to wait for a price which matches with its liking," Sebi Whole-Time Member Prashant Saran said in his 22-page order.