Without disclosing the details of clarifications sought, Sebi has said that it is awaiting response from Lead Manager for the proposed public offer.
According to the latest weekly update on the processing status of draft offer documents, Sebi has said clarifications were awaited on the company's IPO as on January 26, 2016.
The next update would be uploaded on Sebi's (Securities and Exchange Board of India) website on March 7.
Sebi said it might issue observations on draft offer documents within 30 days, after receiving satisfactory reply from the lead merchant banker regarding the clarification or additional information sought.
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The proceed of the issue will be used for repayment of loans to meet working capital requirements and for other corporate purposes.
This is the company's second attempt to hit the capital markets. Earlier, it had received approval from Sebi in June 2015, but the company decided to withdraw the DRHP in January and filed fresh papers. It, however, did not disclose the reasons for the withdrawal.