The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), which conducted an examination into the alleged irregularities in the services provided by Pasricha found that he violated the provision of portfolio manager regulations.
The capital market watchdog in an order passed today said that alleged violation with the provision of portfolio manager regulation is settled and it disposed of the adjudication proceedings pending in respect of Pasricha.
Pasricha had proposed to settle the case on payment of Rs 54.40 lakh as settlement charges under Sebi's consent order mechanism.
Thereafter, Sebi's High Powered Advisory Committee (HPAC) considers and recommends whether the case can be settled on the payment of the proposed amount.
HPAC recommendations then have to be accepted by the panel of whole time members of Sebi.
As per the Sebi consent order, the regulator can take enforcement action, including reopening of the pending proceedings against Pasricha, if any representation made by him is found to be untrue.