At the same time, through two separate orders, Sebi has also slapped "a penalty of Rs 3 lakh" each on one Jagdish Ramanlal Patel and one C Shah Champaklal for fraudulent trading in shares of Aarey Drugs and Pharmaceuticals.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has found that Manish Ratilal Shah had in collusion with the some other connected entities executed synchronised and reversal trades in scrip of the four companies.
Accordingly, in an order dated September 9, the market regulator has imposed "a consolidated penalty of Rs 22 lakh on Manish Ratilal Shah".
Similarly, based on its probe, Sebi also concluded that Patel and Champaklal "had executed synchronised trades in the scrip of Aarey Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd" which had resulted in creation of artificial volume in the shares of the company leading to false and misleading appearance of trading in the scrips.
The case relates to Sebi probe into the trading in shares of the four companies including Aarey Drugs and Pharmaceuticals for the period January 1-August 31, 2009.