The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has also imposed a penalty of Rs 5 lakh each on 15 indivuduals, while it has levied Rs 2 lakh fine on brokerage firm Arcadia Share & Stock Brokers.
In an order today, the market regulator said that the 15 indivuduals "by trading amongst themselves had indulged in synchronised trades on numerous occasions, resulting in no change of beneficial ownership thereby, created artificial volume in the scrip of LGS Global Ltd which gave a false and misleading appearance of trading in the said scrip".
In the case of Arcadia, Sebi found that the broker "by executing fictitious trades, in the nature of self and synchronised trades, on behalf of its clients has violated the ...The Broker Regulations".
The case relates to Sebi probe into the irregularity in the trading in the shares of LGS Global during the period from February 10, 2009 to May 7, 2010.
It was observed that the price of the scrip had unusually increased from Rs 20.15 to Rs 133.60.