The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), in its order, slapped "a penalty of Rs 1 crore upon the noticee (Teakwood Management Services) for violations of ...PFUTP (Prohibition of Fradulent Trading Parctices) Regulations."
According to the regulator, Teakwood Management Services (formerly known as Nirman Management Services)had executed buy orders at higher price than the prevailing market price despite the availability of sufficient sell orders at the lower price in the market and thereby manipulated the share price of Edserv Softsystems.
"The noticee had created artificial volume in the shares of Edserv Softsystems by placing purchase and sale orders of same number of shares at same price within a gap of negligible time at the lower circuit limit and thereby created misleading appearance of trading," Sebi said.
The market watchdog, which conducted a probe in the scrip of Edserv Softsystems, found that Teakwood Management Services had earned a "positive square off difference of Rs 24.01 lakh due to indulgence in such trading."