The violation was noticed by Sebi after it carried out an inspection of the entity in November 2013 for its share transfer agent activities -- transfer and duplication of shares, dematerialisation requests -- for the period from April 1, 2012, till date of inspection.
Sebi found that CB Management Services was processing requests with respect to transfer, demat, remat, duplicate of three companies of Uniworth Group without specimen signature of shareholders of these firms.
"Since share transfer activities are being carried out by the noticee (CB Management Services) without specimen signatures of the bonafide shareholders, fraudulent transfer of shares can take place and the noticee will not be in a position to check the same," Sebi said in an order.
Accordingly, the regulator has imposed a penalty of Rs 11 lakh on CB Management Services for its violations under Code of Conduct specified under Sebi (Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents) Regulations.