The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), in its order, has imposed "penalty of Rs 2 crore only) jointly and severally on all the noticees (17 entities)." They were part of the then promoter group.
"The promoter group during the period January 2009 to March 2010 had acquired 5.45 per cent shares in the target company (Ahlcon Parenterals (India) Ltd)," Sebi said.
"Thus, they had crossed the limit of 5 per cent in March 2010 itself and therefore, for the current acquisitions of shares in multiple tranches during the period July 27, 2010 to August 4, 2010, noticees had to make a public announcement ...Which noticees had failed to do so," it added.
The entities penalised include Bikramjit Ahluwalia, Ram Piari, Pushpa Rani, Raman Pal, Rohini S. Ahluwalia, Rohini Ahluwalia, Ahluwalia Builders & Development Group, Capricon Industrials, Tidal Securities, Shobhit Uppal, Vikas Ahluwalia, Rachna Uppal, Sudarshan Walia, Sudarshan Ahluwalia, Mukta Ahluwalia, Santosh Ahluwalia and Raj Kumar Ahluwalia.