The Securities and Exchange Board of India has imposed a penalty of Rs 9 lakh on Gulab Impex Enterprises and Rs 8 lakh each on -- Mahan Eximp and Supriya Leasing -- as the companies had "failed to make timely disclosure from the year 1998 to 2011".
As per Sebi norms, every listed company has to within 30 days from the financial year ending March 31, make yearly disclosures in respect of their shareholding pattern to the relevant stock exchanges.
According to the market watchdog, by not complying with disclosure norms the companies "had not provided the vital information within the prescribed time which is detrimental to the interest of investors in securities market".
"Our entire securities market stands on disclosure based regime and accurate and timely disclosures are fundamental in maintaining the integrity of the securities market," it added.
It said that the trading in shares of Gulab Impex had been suspended since January 9, 2002 but the same could not absolve it from meeting the disclosure norms.