The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has slapped a penalty of Rs 10 lakh on Capital Trade Links for failure to make yearly disclosures to the stock exchange in the prescribed timeline, between the years 2002 to 2011.
In a separate order, it has slapped Rs 10 lakh on the company's seven promoters which is "to be paid jointly and severally" by them. Of these promoters, Harish Chandra Agrawal has also been imposed with a penalty of Rs 5 lakh.
Besides Harish Chandra Agrawal, other six promoters are -- Udit Agrawal, Rashmi Agrawal, Suresh Chand Agrawal, Harish Agrawal (HUF), Suresh Chand Agrawal (HUF) and Madhur Agrawal.
Capital Trade Links is listed on the Delhi Stock Exchange (DSE).
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Sebi found that the promoters had disclosed their aggregate shareholdings for 2012 and 2013 to the stock exchange with a delay of 541 days and 174 days respectively.
Moreover, Harish Chandra Agrawal had failed to make timely disclosures regarding increase in his stake in 2005.
In separate order, Sebi today slapped penalty of Rs 2 lakh on Vakrangee Softwares for resolving investors grievances against the company with a delay.
Sebi also noted that GPC Technology had not resolved investor complaint pending against it.