A Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) probe found that the entities had not taken appropriate steps to comply with the minimum 25 per cent shareholding in the company.
Sebi had in June 2010 issued directions wherein all listed companies were required to comply with the minimum public shareholding requirement of at least 25 per cent on or before June 3, 2013.
As per the regulator, the shareholding of the promoters of Steelco Gujarat Ltd (SGL) had increased to 78.26 per cent during February 2002 to June 2002.
Earlier, through an interim order, Sebi had slapped various curbs on over 100 non-compliant firms, their promoters and directors for not meeting the norms.
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Slapping a penalty, Sebi said these entities have failed to comply with the clause of Listing Agreement and thus violated provisions of Securities Contracts Regulation Act.