In an order passed on June 30, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) imposed the penalty on Sungold Capital Ltd and its three executive directors -- Rajiv R Kotia, Ashok Modi and Sharad Gandhi.
A fine of Rs 5 lakh was slapped on the firm for wrongly classifying the shareholding of the 'promoter group' as 'public holding' and making wrong disclosures of the shareholding of Kotia's son.
Also, a fine of Rs 12 lakh was levied on Kotia, who is also the promoter, chairman and managing director of Sungold Capital Ltd, for failure to disclose to the company and to the stock exchange the change in the shareholding of his wife and son in the firm.
In a separate order passed on June 30, Sebi slapped a fine of Rs 10 lakh on five relatives of Kotia for their failure to make the necessary disclosures in respect of their trading in the scrip of Sungold Capital Ltd.
However, there was no disclosure on part of the five to the company as well as the stock exchanges.