In three separate orders dated May 19, Sebi has imposed a fine of Rs 35 lakh on Raj Oil Mills promoter-director Shaukat Suleman Tharadra and Rs 5 lakh each on promoter Shahida Shaukat Tharadra and shareholder Sicom Ltd.
As per the order on Shaukat Suleman, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said that the promoter-director of the edible oil maker had on several instances in 2012 "failed to make the requisite disclosures in respect of the transactions... Wherein he had statutory obligation to disclose to the company and to the stock exchanges".
Similarly, Sicom had failed to comply with the disclosure norms after its shareholding had undergone changes subsequent to invocation of pledge on shares of the company by it on two occasions.
"...By not making the required disclosures, the noticee had deprived the investors of important information at the relevant time," Sebi said in the orders.