The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said in an order that it is imposing "a penalty of Rs 5 lakh on the noticee viz, Chandana Ghosh" for failing to make disclosures to ITC and the relevant bourses as mandated under the norms.
According to Sebi rules, an officer of a listed company has to disclose to that company and the stock exchanges if the change in their shareholding has exceeded Rs 5 lakh in value or 25,000 shares or 1 per cent of the total shareholding.
"The noticee (Ghosh) being a 'officer' of the company was under an obligation to disclose the change in shareholding that exceeded the value of Rs 5,00,000 to the company and the stock exchange, as required under...The PIT (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations," Sebi said.
ITC could not be immediately reached for comments.
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Going by rules under the Companies Act, Sebi said that Ghosh is an officer as she "is clearly holding a higher position capable of giving directions to her subordinates".
As per the Companies Act norms, an officer includes any director, manager or secretary or any person in accordance with whose instructions the board of directors or any one or more of the directors is or are accustomed to act.
"The noticee holds the position of the head of the 'Competency Development and Human Resource' function of the 'Trade Marketing and Distribution' vertical of the Indian Tobacco Division' of ITC Ltd," Sebi said.