The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has found that these 25 entities had siphoned off funds from the IPO proceeds of Brooks in alliance with the company promoters.
Citing that the fraudulent trade practice adopted by the entities which include 15 companies and their directors "is serious in nature", the market regulator has imposed "a total penalty of Rs 53.50 crore" upon all of them.
Sebi investigation found an amount of Rs 8.25 crore was fraudulently siphoned off by the Konark Commercial & Industries, Shardaraj Tradefin, Blue Print Securities and Sunshine Housecon in collusion with promoters of Brooks from the company's IPO proceeds.
"...It is clear that through fictitious transactions of round tripping of funds, the said noticees ie Konark, Blue Print, Sunshine and Shardaraj along with the promoters of Brooks, had siphoned off the funds to the tune of Rs 8 crores from the IPO proceeds," Sebi said.
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Besides, the penalties included Rs five crore on Overall Financial Financial Consultants which had misutilised a sum of Rs 2.50 crore it had received from other entities to cover the losses it had made from trading in shares of Brooks.
"Such act/practice as adopted by the noticees (25 entities) is serious in nature which has the cascading adverse effect towards the investors/shareholders," Sebi said in the order.
The probe had found that Brooks board of directors passed certain resolutions to raise funds through Inter Corporate Deposits (ICDs) from some of the alleged entities.
It was revealed that Konark, Shardaraj, Suryamukhi, Blue Print and Sunshine Housecon had fraudulently acted as layers to Brooks for round tripping of Rs 8 crores in the guise of ICDs, and were then subsequently paid Rs 8.25 crores by Brooks from the IPO proceeds.