According to the regulator, the firm had not obtained SCORES authentication till today.
SCORES, launched by Sebi in June 2011, provides a centralised database of all complaints. Online movement of complaints to the concerned listed companies and upload of ATRs by the concerned companies are done through this system.
Besides, there are 1,194 complaints, pertaining to non-receipt of dividend/ bonus and non-receipt of shares after transfer among others, pending against the company as of today.
In 2012, it had directed all listed companies to get SCORES authentication by September 14 of the same year, failing which they would have to face enforcement action.
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It also helps investors view, track and follow up the actions taken on their grievances. The online redressal system has significantly helped in reducing the processing time of complaints.
In a separate order, Sebi has levied a fine of Rs 1 lakh on Sangal Papers for delay in redressing a single grievance within the stipulated timeline.
It was alleged that the company has failed to redress investor complaints within the stipulated timeframe.
However, Sebi said noted that "...Allegation against the noticee (JVL Agro Industries) has not been established.