While the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) imposed a penalty of Rs 25,000 on Shree Bhawani Paper Mills, penalties ranging from Rs 2 lakh to Rs 6 lakh were imposed on promoters for violating norms.
Some of the promoters have to be pay the penalties "jointly and severally".
The market regulator found that the promoters of Shree Bhawani Paper Mills had failed to make timely disclosure for the years 2006 to 2009 about acquisition of company's shares through rights issue, among others.
Besides, Sebi said that the company had failed to make mandatory annual disclosures for the years 1998 and 2001.
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The watchdog had come across the violations after examining an open offer made by an individual in 2011 to acquire 20 per cent stake of Shree Bhawani Paper Mills.
In a separate order today, Sebi imposed a penalty of Rs 40.50 lakh on Yamini Investments Company and its 7 erstwhile promoters for failing to make requisite disclosures to the stock exchanges.
The promoters include Munjal M Jayakrishna, Devyani Rajesh Jayakrishna, Padma Jayakrishna, Gokul M Jayakrishna, Shivani R Jayakrishna, Rajesh Jayakrishna and Narayan Jha.
The penalties on promoters range from Rs 2 lakh to Rs 6 lakh.