The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has found, among others, that Swan had executed "fictitious and manipulative trades on several occasions which had potential to disturb the fair, equitable and efficient functioning" of capital markets.
"...Hereby suspend the certificate of registration of the noticee, Swan Securities Pvt Ltd, a stock broker and member of NSE for a period of three months," Sebi said in an order today.
The market regulator said that Swan indulged in the trades to make profits by evading Securities Transaction Tax (STT) and stamp duty on the transactions. As per the probe by Sebi the broker has evaded Rs 3.22 lakh towards STT and stamp duty charges.
In this regard, Sebi has said that copy of its order against Swan shall also be forwarded to the concerned authorities for the purposes of "realisation of Rs 3,22,663.58 being the difference between the payable and actually paid STT and stamp duty from Swan Securities".
An investigation was ordered by Sebi against the broker after observing abnormal self-trading pattern in the scrip of Adani Enterprises during the period July 1, 2008 to November 30, 2008.