Sebi Chairman U K Sinha said the regulator is working on a proposal to encourage companies to distribute a certain amount of dividend among shareholders for a certain profit made by them.
He, however, added that this should not mean that the entire cash should be distributed by the companies.
"Nobody is asking that the entire cash should be paid, but there should be a dividend policy so there is some amount of certainty that if a company is making an X percentage of profit, then so much will be distributed.
The comments come at a time when a large number of companies including Infosys, Bajaj Auto and Hero are said to be sitting on large cash piles. There have often been demands that companies with large cash balances should either distribute dividend or use the cash for other business needs.
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Pointing out that there is "no declared dividend policy in the country," Sinha said, shareholders have been demanding that the regulator ensure that at least there is a dividend policy.
On the new delisting norms announced by the Sebi board last week, Sinha said the endeavor is to relax the regulations and make it easier for the companies.
Countering arguments that the new norms were more stringent than the previous ones, Sinha said, "I think they have been relaxed. Earlier, when we came through our takeover regulations, it prescribed that if you reach over 75 per cent and reach 90 per cent, then to de-list you have to first bring down your stake below 75 per cent and then you have to file another paper for delisting.
Sinha further said that in the new process, there would not be any pricing pressure from the promoter groups or other shareholders.