Sebi has found various lapses and irregularities in the functioning of JSE and its governing board like mismanagement and poor corporate governance, failure to appoint a Chief Executive Officer, non-maintenance of a proper investor service centre and shareholder directors of JSE holding the shares in excess of the limit stipulated.
While noting that JSE had taken certain corrective steps, Sebi in an order said "the same are only pursuant to the intervention of" the market regulator.
The regulator observed that while "the exchange may attribute its inability to ensure timely compliance with Sebi circulars/directives, to its limited resources, it only shows the lack of its commitment to function as a stock exchange".
Accordingly, Sebi said that "JSE was negligent in the discharge of its functions and duties".
Sebi said that "no independent violation of the circular has been proved" against JSE's directors -- Rajender Prashad Gupta, Veena Gupta, Amit Gupta, Rajeev Gupta, Puneet Jain, C P Mittal, Anil Gadodia, Manish Gadodia and Manjula Jain.