The Securities and Exchange Commission disclosed today that it authorised the takeover of the two-centuries-old NYSE's parent by Atlanta-based IntercontinentalExchange, or ICE. The rival acquiring company, founded in 2000, has expanded rapidly through acquisitions over the past decade.
The SEC said in a filing that it has determined that the merger of the exchanges would comply with securities laws and regulations.
The merger also must be approved by regulators in Europe.
The deal is expected to close in the fall.
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For each share of NYSE Euronext stock they own, shareholders would be able to choose either USD 33.12 in cash, about a quarter-share of ICE, or a combination of USD 11.27 in cash and around one-sixth of a share of ICE.
ICE's offer was valued at USD 8 billion when it was announced in December. Based on ICE's current share price, the deal would be worth about USD 10 billion.
"We welcome the (SEC) decision," NYSE Euronext spokesman Rich Adamonis said.
ICE representatives didn't immediately return a call seeking comment.
ICE has said that little would change for the NYSE trading floor, known as the Big Board, at the corner of Wall and Broad streets in Manhattan's financial district. But the NYSE'S clout has been eroded by the rapid advance of technological and regulatory changes. Its importance today is mostly symbolic.
While brokerage fees for stock trading have declined, futures exchanges like ICE have retained solid profit margins.
Buyers of futures contract commit to buy something at a specified date and price. Futures can be used to lock in prices as a hedge against future price movements. They're also used by traders to speculate on prices.