PCB Chairman Shaharyar Khan had visited India recently to rally hard for the resumption of Indo-Pak cricket ties. Shaharyar, during a joint press statement with BCCI President Jagmohan Dalmiya in Kolkata, proposed a series comprising three Tests, five ODIs and two T20s in December but BCCI is certainly not rushing into it.
"Possibility is that in the coming few days or coming weeks, second round of talks will take place," Thakur said in a press conference here.
"The series is yet to be decided, but already the issue cropped up in the Parliament while for some TV channels, it became a matter of debate," he said.
Seeking to clarify the situation with regards to the series as of now, Thakur said, "I want to say only this, which is that the talks between the Boards of two countries has taken place, which are at early stages. And when talks between two Boards takes place, you limit the talk to just cricket only.
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He further said that "there are many things between BCCI and PCB (Pakistan Cricket Board) which need to be discussed. PCB Chairman (Shaharyar Khan) visited India and met (BCCI President Jagmohan) Dalmiya and me and kept his view."
He said that according to Future Tours Programme, the series was be hosted by Pakistan in December.
"Whether it will take place or not, and if it happens, then in which country will it take place since the situation in Pakistan is not conducive, and if the series will be held then how many matches are to be played, these are some things and other issues on which talks are going on," he said.