Bachchan, 72, who meets his fans outside his house Jalsa every Sunday, said over the years he has discovered many unique "modus operandi" of meeting him.
"Many seek blessings from celebrities, names for their children and on. This is disapproved. I am not worthy of blessings nor intelligent enough to give a name. Please do not put me through that ordeal! It would be horrible for a child to live through his entire life saddled with a name that was not his parents calling," Bachchan posted on his blog.
"A little fellow once came to me on a crowded occasion, and asked for my autograph, looking completely puzzled and hassled. He was having problems pronouncing 'autograph'... Photograph, auto car, and some other contortions were with effort struggling to form out of his chubby face.
"He was precocious and honest. When I asked him his name, he promptly told me that. When I asked him what my name was he said : 'I don't know your name. My Father asked me to come to you, so I have come'!!. Hahahaha.. Cute!," he said.