The accused, identified as Rama Chandra Sahu (30) of Simulia Maidipur village in the district, was arrested after the girl lodged a complaint against him with Bari Police Station on Monday, Superintendent of Police Deepak Kumar said.
According to the FIR filed with the police, Sahu, a self proclaimed Godman, used to visit Bhalinuagaon village and stayed at the house of Babuli Paramanik. During his stay, both Paramanik and his wife became his disciples, police said.
The victim reported it to her parents following which an FIR was lodged against the accused with the local police.
When the news spread, local villagers congregated and caught hold of him.
"The self-styled godman was arrested on Monday under Section 354 (assault to woman with intent to outrage her modesty) and 506 (punishment for criminal intimidation) of the IPC," the SP said.