60-year-old godman Duryodhan Ojha, known as Hanuman Baba of Khosalpur village, allegedly advised Sashikant Rout of Sarangapur village to procure human blood for making a talisman if he wanted to get rich, police sources said.
Rout allegedly slit the throat of a two-and-a-half-year old baby boy playing alone on the village street on October 9 and gave the blood to the Ojha, leaving the infant bleeding profusely, the sources said.
The boy was admitted to the Sishu Bhawan in Cuttack Kuakhia police station inspector-in-charge Bijay Kumar Aich said.
Ojha was arrested yesterday from his ashram at Khosalpur on information provided by Sashikant, who was nabbed a week ago, Aich said.